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PRESS RELEASE | NZ Mosque Terrorist Attack

--FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ---- From the Worcester Islamic Center(WIC) and Islamic Society of Greater Worcester(ISGW)


The members of the Islamic Centers of Worcester (ISGW and WIC) condemn in the strongest possible terms the senseless shooting this Friday March 15, 2019, at the two Mosques in the city of ChristChurch in New Zealand, that left 49 people dead and scores wounded.

The gun-man in this shooting was not only heavily armed, but had the audacity of taping the crime of hate and the act of terrorism. This is clearly a repugnant display of hate crime. These hate mongers are cancerous to Humanity and must be eradicated lest they destroy the very fiber that holds Humanity together. There is absolutely no place in any country for the hatred and intolerance that leads to extremist, terrorist violence.

We are grateful for the condolences and comforting words made by Jacinda Ardern, PM of New Zealand and the swift action of their Police force. We stand firm and vigilant alongside the victims, in this dire moment and pray that those affected by this heinous crime overcome this sad event. We are saddened and our hearts go out to the victims and their loved ones.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Amjad Bhatti, President ISGW Dr. Mohammad Ramzan, President WIC

Contact: Tahir Ali, Media Director 7746960537

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