Nikkah Reservation

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Marriage is one of the most wonderful journeys two individuals can embark upon. It is important for this journey, as with all journeys, to be best prepared to ensure a successful voyage. The Worcester Islamic Center is honored that you’ve chosen us to share in this momentous occasion and we’re prepared to help equip you for the journey ahead.
To make your preparations as easy as possible, we’ve outlined our procedures and requirements to ensure a quick and successful process. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any further questions.
Please note: Currently, all nikah ceremonies will be scheduled at the Worcester Islamic Center. Any special requests for an outside venue will depend on availability and subject to an additional fee.

1.) Please begin the process by formally requesting a nikah ceremony at the following link:
2.) Next, you must obtain a marriage license from your city or town clerk’s office.
A. Please note: There is a 3-day waiting period before you can pick up your marriage license. WIC cannot perform the nikah during this time.
B. The license is valid only for 60 days. The Nikah ceremony must be scheduled and conducted within 60 days of receiving the marriage license.
C. Both bride and groom must go in person with photo identification and their social security numbers to apply for the marriage license.
D. For more information, please click this link to visit: getting-married-in-massachusetts
3.) If you would like Shaykh Vajid to conduct your Nikah ceremony, a pre-marital counseling workshop will be mandatory.
A. Please vist this link to schedule your session Premarital Counsling
B. This service is also available to those who will have their nikah conducted by another imam.
C. The Pre-Marital Counseling Workshop will last up to 1.5 hours, is available in person and via Zoom, and costs $100 dollars payable to Worcester Islamic Center.
4.) Prior to the Nikah ceremony date, the following must be sent via email to This includes:
A. Copies of photo Identification of the groom, bride, bride’s wali (guardian), and each of the two witnesses.
B. The marriage license from the city or town clerk’s office.
C. The agreed upon Mahr (marriage dower/bridal gift) amount in monetary value.
5.) On the day of the Nikah, the following procedures must be observed:
A. Upon the Imam’s arrival, he should be handed the physical copy of the marriage license.
B. The groom, wali (bride’s guardian), and both witnesses must be present and available in case they are needed by the imam.
C. The nikah ceremony must start at the agreed time. The imam will not wait more than 15 minutes after the agreed upon starting time.

1.) Any Nikah that is conducted by an officiant at the Worcester Islamic Center must be registered with the state via a marriage license. Without a marriage license, we unfortunately cannot perform the nikah.
2.) We request that both the bride and groom be Muslim. If your situation is different, please use the Contact the Imam page to discuss further options.
3.) There must be two Muslim male witnesses. WIC cannot guarantee the presence of witnesses, and it is the families’ responsibility to provide witnesses during the ceremony.
4.) There is a mandatory minimum one week waiting period from initiating contact to booking the date for the Nikah ceremony. Only in extenuating circumstances can this waiting period be waved.
5.) A marriage certificate fee of $250 dollars will be required by all couples, payable to Worcester Islamic Center.
A. Additional donations are appreciated.
6.) WIC is able to host large wedding parties; this requires planning and arrangements. Please call us for more information. Facility rental fees may apply.
For any additional information, clarification, or help throughout this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at either: (774) 420-2636 or
Please fill out this form to request a Nikkah ceremony