Library At WIC

The Library at the Worcester Islamic Center serves as a knowledge hub for the local as well as the larger New England Muslim community providing books and other materials on Tafsir, Hadith, Fiqh, Biographies, Tasawuf, History, Medicine, Science and Technology, and Children’s books.
Patrons are allowed to check out books. To become a patron please visit the library and meet with the librarian.
Sister Maroua
Hours for the library
Monday: 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Tuesday: 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Thursday: 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Saturday: 11:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday: 12:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Library Portal

To Access the full Website portal please click the link below
Importance Of A Library
In addition to being a place of worship, a masjid serves as a center of learning
and education for our community. One of the essential elements of a masjid is
its library, which plays a crucial role in providing access to Islamic knowledge
and resources. Allah ﷻ says in the Quran, "Read! In the name of your
Lord who created." - Quran 96:1
Access to library will result in a positive impact to the community at large by
providing access to knowledge and education. It fosters a love of learning and
promotes intellectual growth. Its a place where individuals can find answers
to their religious questions and deepen their understanding of Islam. Allah
ﷻ says in the Quran, "And say: My Lord! Increase me in
knowledge." - Quran 20:114
Additional Benefits
A library in the masjid will serve as a safe and nurturing environment for children to learn and exploretheir faith. It provides them with access to age-appropriate Islamic literature, which helps to instill Islamicvalues and morals from an early age. The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Whoever takes a path upon which toobtain knowledge, Allah makes the path to Paradise easy for him." (Muslim)
This Library can also be a valuable resource for interfaith dialogue and understanding. It provides accessto materials on other religions and promotes peaceful coexistence. The library can be a place where peopleof different faiths can come together and learn about each other's beliefs. Allah (SWT) says in the Quran,"O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations andtribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other)." (Quran 49:13)
A library will help to preserve Islamic heritage by providing access to historical Islamic texts anddocuments. These resources are essential in understanding the evolution of Islamic thought and practicesthroughout history. The Prophet (PBUH) said: "The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of themartyr." (Tirmidhi)
Library Gallery